Saturday, November 15, 2014

“Schiavo displays a nimble coloratura technique, phrases elegantly and makes much of her words...The Tuscan period band Auser Musici are robust rather than specially subtle partners, with, as recorded, a distinctly abrasive string tone. But there is no doubting the energy and commitment of their playing.” --Gramophone Magazine, April 2012

“These are the first performances I have heard by Auser Musici, technically and musically a notably accomplished original-instrument ensemble. Its founder, Carlo Ipata, gives Cherubini's music his considerable all” --International Record Review, March 2012 

“What really surprises here, however, is that the lofty master of the severely sculpted phrase kicked off his career by writing coloratura showstoppers of fashionable difficulty for the divas of his day...Schiavo's coloratura generates the thrill of an athlete leaping hurdles. But when she essays anything like a sustained line, you're aware of shallowness in the tone.” --The Guardian, 9th February 2012 ***


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