Friday, July 18, 2014

"The idea of choosing piano works for a solo recording that explores the concept of fantasy may not seem all that original. But on this fascinating album the Israeli pianist David Greilsammer explores the concept in a program of striking diversity, exposing musical resonances among disparate works by composers from Bach and Brahms to Cage to Ligeti. Of course the concept would mean little were the performances not so brilliant and probing. Mr. Greilsammer, born in Jerusalem in 1977, is a formidable pianist." --New York Times [11/9/2008]

“However it may look on paper, in practice it works incredibly well, such is Greilsammer’s magnetic ability to find mutual correspondences and attractions between opposite poles” --Julian Haylock, International Piano

“In this enjoyable piano montage, 16 items have been arranged symmetrically around Mozart’s Fantasy in C minor……it’s as though the alienation effect of piano “preparation” has been applied to a whole disc.” --Sunday Times Contemporary Composers (No. 3) Albums of the Year

“The pianism is superb” --Michael Church, The Independent


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